2025년 업데이트

January 7, 2025
Endgame expansion

Endgame expansion

I’m amazed how many people have put in a lot of effort to learn all the keys using this game. 수고하셨습니다!
Previously, after learning all the keys the app would stop generating new lessons. Now it evenly chooses keys for revisions and tries to exhaust your vocabulary, so you can keep on practicing.
So now you can keep on playing here :)

11월 업데이트

November 23, 2024
It has been about 3 months since the app was launched, so it is overdue for some care. Here’s what you can now enjoy:
Some color

Some color

If black and blue isn’t your style, you can now choose between 4 themes for a bit of fun.

Clear pronunciation

Originally, the words were voiced using OpenAI’s text to speech to less than stellar results. After further testing we switched to a different service, so you can enjoy more accurate and clear pronunciation. Give it a listen:
회사원 (office worker)


I have added some of the most requested options in a settings dialog.
As always, you can play the game here.
If you have any comments please send it in the feedback form, and if you found this game useful please share it with a friend.
I hope you enjoyed the updates as much as I enjoyed making them.
- Sam (샘)
Learn to type in Korean